For those that don't know...I completely and utterly lost any creative mojo that I used to have. My craft desk ended up being used as a dumping-ground and it was a constant effort to keep it clean and dust free - which was a real shame, with all the craft products just sitting there being unused and unloved.
Back in October on a very difficult day for me, I visited my fabulous friend (who is also my BF's mother!) at one of her 1st market stalls at Evandale Market (Tasmania, Australia). She was kind enough to offer a little bit of her table space so I could sell a bit of my "stuff" in exchange for helping her set up etc the next week. I did this, got busy that week making some new fresh "stuff"....I sold a bit...but I learnt lots about what people want and what they don't want...and that I can't make them buy things that "I" like! lol
A smalls sample of some of the peg magnets that I've made, all but 2 of these have already sold! |
My 1st lot of "jellybeans-in-owls" that I've made. |
My 2nd lot of "jellybeans-in-owls" - some Christmas themed. |
I have started making some mobiles...and I'm really really hoping that they will take off a bit more but they have been difficult to display at markets not to mention THE WIND! Anyway, that's an exciting project that I'm embarking on and that I will share more about later.
All these photo's aren't very good pics but it shows a little of what I've been doing lately!
Here's my end of our little stall...picture taken several weeks ago so lots of these items have already been sold and new ones are in their place!
Now for some personal highlights of my life over the last few months (in no particular order):
1. Having a very proud mummy moment watching my gorgeous almost-7-year-old stand up on stage in front of several hundred people and play her very 1st violin solo!
2. Enjoying our new that's he a big boy and is toilet-trained!
3. Having a night out with friends to see Kasey Chambers & her husband Shane Nicholson sing from their new Wreck & Ruin album!
4. Enduring not one, not two but THREE wobbly teeth demonstrations from my daughter and eventually 3 x "MUM! It finally fell out!!! I pulled it out!!!" (Note: I don't "do" wobby teeth....makes me feel quite ill!)
5. New couch shopping!!!! (very very difficult for an indecisive girl like me!)
6. A trip down to Bruny Island (bottom of Tasmania, Australia) with my girl and my parents...hoping to see some seals, dolphins and even maybe a whale on a boat trip, but unfortunately we had such terrible weather that only a handful of brave seals let themselves be on display for us, but it was a trip to remember, that's for sure!
7. Took my little girl Charlotte to our local show and being as proud-as-punch when she gave in to me and let me take her on the "Gee-Whizz" ride! lol. She even did it twice cos I really wanted to go again! She's so brave!
8. Teaching Charlotte to drive! Yep, you heard right, drive! She's 6! She's driven my car (on my lap) steering the wheel and controlling the accelerator (I was in charge of the brake) and she did amazingly well! I so can't wait for her to drive me around, for a change!
Of course there are lots more highlights as I've really enjoyed this last year, living on my parents farm, living the "country-life" again and homeschooling my daughter! It's almost come to an end though, and a new chapter will be starting very soon which is scary and exciting at the same time!
If you're still with me, thanks for taking the time to read and catch up on "Tania & Charlotte's life"!
One very very proud and happy little girl - with her very 1st trophy (for violin)!!! |